The Latin bees is Apis. A bee an insect.A bee is an invertebrate.
Bees live in a safe and happy hives. Bees live in trees in forests. Bees live in green grassy fields. Bees live in bright flower filled gardens. The hive temperature should be 26-27 degrees Celsius.
Bees have four wings. Bees are cold blooded. Bee hives are made out of hexagon shapes. Bee workers weigh about 80m. Bees only come in yellow and black. Bees have six legs two antennas and one stinger.
Worker bees care for all the queens needs. Worker bees spit to each other. Bees don't sleep they work all night. The queen lays up to 20,000 eggs in a day. Bees fly to twenty thousand flowers a day.
Don't kill bees because no bees no flowers no nectar no honey. Without bees the world would be rubbish.